Meteorite Labels and Biographies Archive
Unknown labels
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Alan, Shawn
Albanese, John S.
Alge, Oliver
Allen, A. R.
Altmann, Martin [Martin-Meteorite]
Anger, Christian
Arnold, Steven [Chicago Steve Meteorites]
Astapovich, Igor S.
Baker, David
Bandli, Mike [Historic Meteorites]
Barker, Robert
Bartoschewitz, Rainer [Bartoschewitz Meteorite Laboratory]
Bassemon, Jérémy
Bee, Thomas Michael [Topaz-Mineral Exploration]
Berger, Anton
Beroud, Frederic
Bessey, Dean
Besson, André
Bliss, J. [The Bliss Meteorite Collection]
Bostick, Mark
Boubée, Nérée
Brady, Jim
Bressan, Daniel
Brey, Scott [Planet Brey]
Buddhue, John Davis
Buhl, Svend [Meteorite Recon]
Burski, Maciej
Carion, Alain
Carion Minerals
Casper, Michael I.
Chen, Juan [SR-meteorite]
Chladni`s Heirs
Chnaoui, Larbi
Cilen, Joe
Cilz, Marlin
Cimała, Marcin
Cohen, Emil Wilhelm
Comet Meteorite Shop
Contreras, Adrian
Cornelius, Eugene
Cottingham, Michael
Crystal Cavern Minerals
Cureton, Forrest E. [Cureton Mineral Co.]
D.M.C. Meteorites
de Boer, Simon
Debienne, Alexandre
Decker, Stephan
Denoncin, Maxime [The Asteroid Miner]
Deyrolle, Émile
Divelbiss, John
Dravert, Peter L.
Dunovant, Brandon [Meteor-rite Meteorites]
DuPont , James M. [The James M. DuPont Collection of Meteorites]
Earth's Memory S.A.R.L.
Eckert Mineral Research
eegooblago meteorites
Eger, Leopold
Elliott, Rob [Fernlea]
English, George L.
Evans, Bob
Excalibur Mineral Corp.
Farmer, Mike [Mike Farmer Meteorites]
Farrell, Ronald E. [Bethany Sciences]
Foote, Albert Edward
Forbes, David
Forsburg, Zachery
Franger, Karl
Fujihara, Gary [Big Kahuna Meteorites]
Garcia, Ruben
Garcia, José []
Gasser, Georg and Alfred
Gheesling, Dave
Giessler, Carsten and Cornelia [Gipo Meteorites]
Goedhart, Andries
Gomez, Adrian Contreras
Graul, Mirko
Gregory, James R.
Gren, Andreas [Meteorite House]
Gronne, Jesper
Haag, Robert A.
Haberer, Siegfried
Hall, Fred [Meteorhall]
Harrigan, Wayne
Hartman, Ron [R. N. Hartman Collection]
Heinlein, Dieter [Bavarian Meteorite Laboratory]
Higgins, John [Outer Space Rocks]
Hinson, Terry
Hupe, Greg [The Hupé Collection]
Huss, Glenn I.
Island Meteorite
Ivanov, Viktor P. [VIP METEORITES]
Jacques, Benoit
Jacques, Vincent
Jakubowski, Tomasz
Jenkerson, Keith and Dana [KD meteorites]
Jensen Meteorites
Jerochov, Andrey
Johnson, Michael
Jost, Marc [Space Jewels Switzerland]
Julien , Alexis
Kansas Meteorite Society
Kapitany, Tom
Karl, Moritz [MO's meteorites]
KBKE Meteorites
Killgore, Marvin [Southwest Meteorite Laboratory]
Knöfel, André
Koppelt, Andreas
Krantz, Fritz
Krinov, Evgeny L.
Kubalczak, Tomek
Kulik, Leonid A.
Kuntz, Fabien [WWMeteorites]
Kunz, George F.
Kupffer, A.E.
Labenne Meteorites
Langheinrich, Allan [R.A. Langheinrich Meteorites]
Lanthemann, René
Latteux, Docteur
Lee, O. Ivan
Legere, Steve
Lehman, Dave
Lehrman, Norm [The Tektite Source]
Lenssen, Rob
Leonard Meteorite Collection
Loud, Mohamed Ali
Lyon, Mark
M come Meteorite
M.S. Meteorites
Mahoney, Sean [Outerspacer meteorites]
Marmet, Peter
Marshall, Roy K.
Martin, Philippe
Martinez, Jack L.
Martinez, Rodrigo [Atacama Desert Meteorites]
Meteorite Exchange
Meteorite Recon
Meteorite Research & Recovery
Mile High Meteorites
Mineralogical Research Co.
Moldavite Jewelry
Monnig, Oscar E.
Mont-Blanc Minerals
Monter, Thierry [ALPHA meteorites]
Moser, Francesco []
Moutinho, André
Muñoz, Carlos Muñecas [Expo meteoritos]
Nauber, Jürgen [JNMCZURICH]
New, David
New England Meteoritical Services
Nininger, Harvey H
Nor Eddine, Azelmat
Obodda, Herb
Olson, Donald K.
Olson, Eric [ELKK Meteorites]
Otto, Jurgen
Oulgour, Abdelkabir
OuterReach Meteorites
Pacer, Gregor
Pani, Ahmed
Pech, Carl Friedrich
Pelé, Pierre-Marie [Meteor-Center]
Penneff, Georgi
Petriccione, Antonello [Geolynt]
Phillips, Jason [Rocks From Heaven Collection]
Piatek, Jay
Pilski, Andrzej S. [ASPMET]
Pitt, Darryl [Macovich Collection of Meteorites]
Poblador, Juan [Jurassic Dreams]
Pothier, Isabelle
Ralew, Stefan [SR-Meteorite]
Redelsperger, Jean [ALLMETEORITE.COM]
Reed, Blaine
Reeves, Robert E.
Regelman, Ken [Astronomical Research Network, Inc.]
Rocks from Heaven Collection
Rocks on Fire
Rost, Rudolf
Scalisi Collection
Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe
Schooler, John
Schwade, Jim
Seidel, Alexander
Shepard, Charles Upham
SHIGATSE Collection
Sidi, Jatri Zuber
Sielecki, Robert [Ausrox]
Simashko, Julian I.
Smith, John Lawrence
Smula, Lukasz [ART & MET]
Stalder, Thomas saharagems
Stehlik, Harald
Stream, Matthew Streaming Meteorites
Strope, Jim [ Meteorites]
Strufe, Hanno [Hanno Strufe Meteorite]
Stuedi, Tony
Swiss Meteorite Lab
Szklarski, Iwo
Taylor, Warren
The Nature Source
The Tricottet Collection
Thompson, Edwin
Tomelleri, Giorgio
Tschirwinsky, Peter N.
Tutorow, Sean [eegooblago meteorites]
Twelker, Eric [The Meteorite Market]
Universe Collection
Vasiliev, Sergey [SV-meteorites]
Vaux, William S.
Verboven, B.J.F.
Verish, Robert [Meteorite-Recovery Lab]
Vieira, Mikael
Wang, Peng
Wang, Cong [SSC-meteorites]
Ward's Natural Science Establishment
Wei Chao, Li
Wesel, Rob [Nakhla Dog Meteorites]
Whitcomb, Jason [Handful of Space]
Whitehouse Meteorites
Wöhler, Friedrich
Woreczko, Jan [Jan Woreczko & Wadi]
Young, Steven [Magnificent Meteorites]
Yousfi, Said
Zeitschel, Walter
Zlimen, Craig [MNM]
Select Institution
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
American Meteorite Laboratory (Denver)
American Meteorite Museum
Amherst College
Astronomy to Go
Australian Museum (Sydney)
Australian National University (Canberra)
British Museum (Natural History)
Center for Meteorite Studies (ASU)
Cornell University
Croatian Natural History Museum
ETH Zurich
Field Museum (Chicago)
Geological Survey of India
Geowissenschaftliches Museum der Universität Göttingen
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry
Helsingin Yliopisto Kivimuseo (Helsinki)
Institute of Meteoritics (NM, USA)
Laboratory of Meteoritics (Moscow)
Manchester Museum, The
Mineralogisches Museum (Bonn)
Mineralogisch-Petrographisches Institut (Heidelberg)
Mineraloško-Petrografski Muzej (Zagreb)
Mining museum (St. Petersburg)
Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano
Museo Mineralogico
Museu Nacional/UFRJ (Rio de Janeiro)
Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (Paris)
Museum of Geology and Mineralogy (Kazan)
Muzeul de Mineralogie
Národní muzeum (Prague, CZ)
National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian)
Natural History Museum of Vienna
Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (Stockholm)
Planetary Studies Foundation
South Australian Museum, The
Staatliche Mineralien-Niederlage, Freiberg, Sa
TCU - Monnig Meteorite Collection
Vulkan-Institut in Neapel
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Labels with unknown origin
Here are the labels of unknown origin from our website users. Please send your comments if you know something about those labels. Thanks in advance!
Label ID: 31
WANTED: Information regarding the origin of a mysterious inventory number on a Forest City meteorite REWARD: We will offer a Boxhole meteoritic iron from the American Meteorite Laboratory with Huss number to the first person who will be able to give us the origin of no. 341, a mysterious inventory number hand-painted on the Forest City meteorite shown here. What we know so far: this complete stone, 95% crusted, with early signs of orientation and weighting 10.15 grams, carries 3 inventory numbers, no. 341 (unknown), H283.6 (Huss no. from the AML) and C101.3 (from the University of New Mexico). The specimen is listed in the UNM Scott et al. (1990) catalogue but not in the UNM LaPaz (1965) catalogue. Huss operated mostly in the 1960s-1970s and provided material to numerous museums. It is thus very likely that the chain-of-custody is as follows: Unknown -> AML/Huss -> UNM. The specimen was deaccessioned from the UNM in recent years. The Forest City meteorite fell in 1890 so no. 341 must date back to 1890-1960. George Kunz described the fall of the meteorite in a paper of 1890 but we already have a specimen from his collection and it does not carry any painted number so it must be from someone else.
Comment by
Thomas Hughes
"I believe 341 is from the Field Columbian Museum, in the 1894 catalogue 'Guide to the Field Columbian Museum'. 54 small Forest City individuals were catalogued under this number."
To contribute more information please email me at:
Label ID: 26
This is the unknown label for Château-Renard meteorite from
The Tricottet Collection
To contribute more information please email me at:
Label ID: 24
Please help me identify this label Label size: 9 x 5 cm
Comment by
Don Merchant
"Hi Sergey, I was looking at your site of Labels that need to be identified. Below is the picture of the label I can identify. It is mine! A very old first label from around 2000 to 2002. Hope this helps my friend!"
To contribute more information please email me at:
Label ID: 20
This unidentified label for Ochansk. The specimen has a corresponding sticker with the tiny number "496" glued on to it. The specimen was acquired by Oscar Monnig. The label itself appears to be circa mid 1900's. Label size: 67 x 45 mm
To contribute more information please email me at:
Label ID: 19
Unknown image for Sikhote-Alin meteorite sent by
Michael Johnson
To contribute more information please email me at:
Label ID: 18
Meteorite comes from the late Ray Suchy Collection, but I do not recognize this label. Any help would be great!
To contribute more information please email me at:
Label ID: 17
Unknown label sent to me by
Jan Woreczko
. Any help with recognizing this label will be appreciated!
To contribute more information please email me at:
Label ID: 16
Please help with identifying the number on the 11.92g slice of Kulnine (L6) meteorite
Comment by
Mike Bandli
"This appears to be a specimen and number from the Dr. Jim Schwade Collection. See one of my Schwade specimens here with the same format and application:
I would recommend contacting him to be sure."
To contribute more information please email me at:
Label ID: 15
Please help to recognize the signature on this label
Comment by
Bernhard Kleeberger
"Hello from Bavaria, I think thats the signature of Christian Anger! (that would also fit to the "Christian Anger Meteorite Collection" on the label). First i thought the first letter in the signature is a "M" but i think thats "Ch" and you can also see the "tian" at the end. The second word im sure is Anger. Hope i helped you a bit Best wishes Bernie"
To contribute more information please email me at:
Label ID: 14
I need an info about the label on the right. It can be from Steve Shooner Meteorites.
Comment by
Jason Utas
"It could be an older Steve Schoner label, but this what what he used later on.
To contribute more information please email me at: